Manage orders on eBay the easy way.

eBay delivers business. We help you deliver on your promises with eBay integration.

Make eBay pay.

Connect all your orders, including eBay, through eZCom.

Ebay on desktop screen, tablet, and mobile

When your eBay business takes off, our software makes it easy to manage.

Get control with

seamless eBay integration.

Your eBay orders keep increasing. That’s great news — except you’re struggling to keep up and managing these orders is taking up more and more of your valuable time. You need to get a handle on eBay integration and merge this powerful platform into your internal system.

Our Lingo software, combined with our eBay plug-in, can be the portal that connects your business, internally and externally. Need to get orders from eBay into Quickbooks or other accounting software? Lingo can do that. Want to integrate eBay with your API? Lingo can do that. How about a way to bring all your orders — eBay, other online channels, EDI transactions — into a single, streamlined system? Yes, Lingo can do that, too.

Bringing order to your orders — eBay, EDI, or just about any other platform or channel — is our business. And it can help grow yours.

Put everything in its place.

Including eBay orders.

ebay connector to eZCom

Making order management a seamless component of your operation is what we do at eZCom.  Our Lingo software is easily integrated into your backend accounting system, allowing you to manage Shopify transactions along with orders from all your other sales channels.  To save you time and reduce mistakes, Lingo connects directly to FedEx and UPS, allowing you to create shipping labels without leaving the application. Pertinent information is automatically transferred to your labels, so a task that once took hours is reduced to seconds. With multiple built-in validation checks, errors can easily be avoided.  Whether you’re shipping direct-to-customer, to a single store, or sending large orders to multiple locations, you can manage all your shipments directly through Lingo.  We provide a powerful portal that puts you in control of the entire process.

EDI Integrations

If you work with them, so can we.